REECOVERY, a shared challenge among

Minera los Frailes

Description: Minera Los Frailes is owned by Grupo México and Magtel. Minera Los Frailes project will involve a direct investment of more than 300 million euros, on the Aznalcóllar polymetallic deposit, with reserves of zinc, copper, lead and silver. It is expected to create more than 1,000 direct and indirect jobs over the next three decades, becoming a strong driver of economic growth in the area.

Role in the project: Apart from coordinating the overall project, Minera Los Frailes leads the go-to-market strategy and the integration of circular economy strategies. Minera los Frailes is in charge, together with Aquatec, of the preparation of an integration and implementation plan of the R&R pilot-scale treatment train. Minera Los Frailes leads the activities regarding permit acquisition and site adaptation, and the installation and commissioning of the R&R demonstration plant. Minera Los Frailes also participates in in the activities related to the LCA and LCC analysis.

Aquambiente (ACES)

Description: Aquambiente (ACES), part of Agbar (Veolia group), is specialized in the recovery of energy and materials from waste and byproducts. The company is involved in various activities such as innovation projects, market studies, characterization of raw materials and promotion of synergies with external entities.

Role in the project: ACES, as one of the main industry/business partners, supports the activities of go-to-market strategy with reference to those aimed at defining the business model and business plan for metal-influenced acid waters treatment, the communication with regulatory and market access institutions, as well as the exploitation plan and the following scaleup long term commercialization of the REECOVERY solution.

Cetaqua, Water Technology Centre

Description: Cetaqua is a model of public-private collaboration that was created to ensure the sustainability and efficiency of the water cycle while taking regional needs into account.

Role in the project: From the technological perspective, Cetaqua leads the design, construction and implementation plan of the R&R treatment train for demonstration and is be in charge of the design and construction of the metal sulfides recovery unit. Moreover, Cetaqua leads the activities related to the operation and optimization of the R&R treatment train and give support to the installation and commissioning of the R&R demonstration plant. Cetaqua also leads the activities on LCA and LCC analysis. Finally, Cetaqua leads the communication activities.

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

Description: The Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) is the largest public institution in Spain dedicated to scientific and technical research and one of the most important in the European Research Area. It is attached to the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the General Secretariat for Research.

Role in the project: CSIC leads the dissemination activities and supports educational and training activities with particular reference to the research stay of degree, master’s, and Ph.D. students at University and industry sites. From the technological perspective, CSIC leads all the activities concerning the production of the REE oxalates by crystallization, including participation in IPR analysis and FTO assessment.

The Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals (IMN)

Description: The Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals (IMN) is a research centre from the Polish non-ferrous industry. The institute’s complex activities cover all stages of metallic material production: from ore treatment to technologies for manufacturing modern products while meeting all environmental standards.

Role in the project: IMN participates in activities aimed at exploring the REECOVERY solution in further markets and/or regions with reference to the Central East Europe where there are located several Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) countries. Accordingly, IMN leads activities related to the identification of sources of raw materials, the educational activities in Central East Europe and the characterization of the recovered resources. REECOVERY will allow IMN to continue transferring knowledge to nonferrous industries in Poland and other RIS countries nearby.

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Description: BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public institution of research and higher education in the fields of engineering, architecture, science and technology, and is one of the leading polytechnical universities in Europe.

Role in the project: UPC leads the activities related to education and training, organizing courses and workshops along the UPC Degrees and Masters as well as research stays of degree, master and Ph.D. students at University and industry site-. From the technological perspective, UPC leads the activities related to the characterization of the metal-influenced acid water and industrial by-products, as well as the development of the REE recovery by Ion Exchange, including participation in IPR analysis and FTO assessment.


We are open to collaborating and exchanging good practices with other projects, in order to create synergies and share results.

If you are interested in learning more about our project, exchanging information or participating in activities with REECOVERY, please contact us!